
For the past week and a couple days I have been studying for the Security+ exam.  I’ve been going through a couple books, websites, and practice tests to get ready, and my work actually has sent me to a class to get ready for the exam.

After going through the books, and the start of the class, I feel I probably could have got this done without going to the class.  The first chapter, and the first day of our class, was learning what updates are, hot patches, service packs, etc.  It was a little funny to learn that, should probably be common sense if you are going for the Security+ cert, but still a good review.

Tonight we are about to have our second class, and I am looking forward to it.  My only weak area (from what I can tell after taking practice tests) seems to be the memorization of things, such as how many bits are in a specific encryption algorithm.  Short of that, all the concepts I feel are straight forward and make sense.

Tonight will be the end of week 1, with 5 weeks to go.  Looking forward to getting through the class, and getting the cert.

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