WMIOps 1.1

After it’s initial release, I’ve had some feedback which has led to additional functionality within WMIOps, and I’ll be pushing it out in this WMIOps 1.1 release.  This release is fairly minor with two functions being added in, and an enhancement to an existing one.

Github Repo: https://github.com/ChrisTruncer/WMIOps

Some of the changes include:

  • Invoke-FileTransferOverWMI – This now has an “Execute” switch that can be provided on the command line.  If used, once a file has been uploaded to your target machine, the function will use WMI to execute/run the uploaded file.  This is now a different way to get code execution on a remote system vs. Invoke-CreateShareandExecute.
  • Get-SystemDrivesWMI – This function will enumerate local and network drives on the targeted system and return information about them (path, size, etc.)
  • Get-ActiveNICsWMI – This function will enumerate all network cards that the target system is using (read has an IP address).  All active connections will be returned

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